
The Pendulum of Choice

by Rushlight

Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: Slash (HP/DM, HP/SS, HP/LM)
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Alternative Universe
Warnings: Character Death, Non-con, rape, torture
Word Count: 200.000 - 300.000

Summary: In a world torn apart by war, Harry is given a rare medallion that allows him to travel between alternate realities.

Why you should read it:

This is some awesome peace of fiction. With every chapter you get to know a knew world full of curiosities and decicions. Because thats what it's all about: with another decision, a new alternate reality is created and Harry travels from world to world and has to rethink every lesson he learned in his original world. 

It had a great plot with some awesome action, where I bit my nails. Harry adresses his fears and hurts und works through them as they come by in every new universe. The way, Rushlight writes the interactions of the characters is compelling. The adult scenes are quite grafic and could give you a major nosebleed, but they add up to the plot nicely. 


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